Lots of women discover that, once they have given birth, they still have work to do if they want to fit into their old clothing. But after giving birth, you definitely don’t feel like running any marathons and you’ve gotten so used to eating everything in sight that going back to a low calorie diet seems like torture. You’ll be happy to learn that the three hints we outline in this article for this are simple enough that any woman can do them if they need help losing baby weight. If you are desperate to lose the weight you gained while you are pregnant, you can follow the tips outlined in this article so that you will be able to get back to your pre-baby weight as quickly as possible.
Leg Kicks: This is a great workout for getting your pulse going and it also makes your abs rock-hard. This exercise starts with you lying on your side with your waist slightly bent into a pike position. Keep the bottom leg bent for balance and then straighten your top leg and bring it as far forward as you can manage. Keeping your leg up, bring it back so that it hovers over your bottom (bent) leg. Don’t lower your leg but repeat the movement ten times. Roll over and repeat on the other side. Just three reps on each side each day and you’ll get the results you want very quickly.
The Super Crunch: This is an abdominal exercise that should be included in every post-natal routine. In this exercise, you need to lie down while keeping your knees bent and your feet sitting flat on the floor. Put your hands behind your head, breathe in and out and, while holding your abs in, lift your shoulders and head off of the floor. Hold that position while you also lift your knees until they are touching your elbows while you also lift your hips up slightly off of the ground. Return to your starting position. Do three sets of twelve to twenty to get your abs into the best shape you’ve ever seen while losing weight really quickly.
Air Bike: In this exercise you lay down on the floor on your back and raise one knee so that it meets the opposing elbow (left knee to right elbow) and then lowering back down and doing the same thing with the other limbs (right knee to left elbow). Keep doing this. This is wonderful for burning lots of calories and it helps to strengthen your abs, which is very important to women who have just had babies. These exercises, if done often enough, can reveal dramatic results in just a few short weeks. They are easy to do both while your child is resting and to spread out across your day instead of trying to do everything at once in a larger block of time. Of course, the fastest way to lose the weight is to do them all in a block for 20-30 minutes three times a week. So, if you do all of these exercises as often as you are able, you’ll find that you can fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans before you know what has happened.

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